Politics in America is fraught with contention and strife. As Christians, we can feel helpless, overlooked or embattled about the issues which face our country and the leaders who are in charge. But our God is unchanging in what may feel chaotic to us. In the midst of it all, it can be hard to know how to pray.
Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed or distracted by other people or other matters. Using The Lord’s Prayer, as a guide, pause with each phrase to let the words penetrate your mind and heart. The prompts after each line will guide you in honest reflection and response to God.
Our Father in heaven…
God, this is not my prayer alone. I pray with and for my brothers and sisters in Christ who live in the United States.
Remind our hearts of your true character: our good Father who is above all and over all.
Hallowed be your name.
Renew my reverence for your name. Help me to understand, at this time, if I am promoting a particular name over yours.
God, I pray that in and through this election season, your name may be honored and glorified above all--in my heart and in my interactions with others.
Your kingdom come.
God, I acknowledge that my primary citizenship is in your kingdom.
Help me to recognize when the values of our political system oppose the authority that you call me to live by.
God, may your kingdom values be upheld in my heart and in the hearts of your people. May your kingdom be lived out through the Church regardless of the political leaders present in our country and beyond.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Help me, God, to desire your will over my own desires, my political agenda and over the will of our American society. Humble our hearts.
God, we ask for your will to be done in the coming election. Thank you that you redeem all circumstances for good for those who walk with you.
Give us this day our daily bread.
I confess where I have tried to meet my needs in my own strength or by depending on the political system in our country.
Help me to identify the fears I entertain about the future of our country.
God, I seek to depend on you for my needs. Meet my needs, the needs of our leaders and the needs of our nation in your wisdom and provision.
And forgive us our debts…
Lord, help me to see where I have been wrong, have been unloving and sinned against you and others in my reactions to this political season.
Create in me a clean heart of gratitude for all that you have forgiven which I can never repay.
…as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Help me to understand where I blame others or hold them accountable for hurting me or our country.
God, help me to forgive and release others from any obligation to me, through Christ’s atoning work.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Help me to recognize where my heart is tempted through society and our political system to act against your values and kingdom.
In your great power, please deliver me and your people from forces that war against your will and are too great for us.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
God, may I remember and trust in your sovereign rule and your supreme power.
May you be glorified in this election season and may I rest in the knowledge that you are God for all time.