David Lippman
I love the practice, experience and art of spiritual direction. One of my favorite places in the world is sitting across...
About Me
I love the practice, experience and art of spiritual direction.
One of my favorite places in the world is sitting across from another person, made in the image of God, and assisting in learning to listen and discern the Holy Spirit and respond to His guidance.
Spiritual direction is a beautiful training ground for Life in the Spirit, the practice of Sanctification. For those who have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, who have tasted of the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, and long for more.
It is literally working out your salvation with fear and trembling as God works and wills His good pleasure in you.
The spiritual direction experience can be described as a co-journey, where we look at the map of your heart, your story, where you came from and where you’re going, and begin to notice the patterns, movements and promptings of the Holy Spirit. What is God saying this season of your life?
These brief moments in spiritual direction create an everlasting impact on the soul and begin to anchor the soul in eternal hope, an experience of the Presence of God which will someday last forever.
This can foster an ongoing conversation between you and God everywhere you go, not matter what you do.
There is something so precious and sacred about spiritual direction. When else do you have the freedom to speak from the holiest place inside your being. How often do you intentionally step into your story?
What would it be like to share the ups and downs of your story with another person, trained to pay attention to God-inside-you?
I love what Wendell Berry says, "There are no unsacred places, only sacred and desecrated." What areas of your life are sacred to you and God? What parts of your story feel desecrated?
Spiritual direction works to flourish you, body and soul, through tending like a gardener to your inner life and outer circumstances and begins to comprehend and partner with the unfolding of His promises to you in the Bible.
This is an opportunity to be honest, to struggle, to wonder, to grieve, to ask, to enjoy, to celebrate, to shed the conformed patterns of this world and step into a renewed mind that proves the good, pleasing and ultimately perfect will of God.
Take a step into significance.
Partner with God in spiritual direction. Your soul will thank you later.